Guide to Writing at SNL




Advanced Elective Papers


Sample Advanced Elective Papers:

"A New Sonnet in the Italian Renaissance Mode" by Joseph Foxhood won an SNL Student Excellence Award in 2011. The paper demonstrates the competence, "Can produce a work of art which mirrors the arts of the Italian Renaissance, can explain that work in context, and can describe the methods of production used in the Renaissance and in modern times."

"Architecture in the West of Ireland: The Art, the Land, and the People" by Sara A. Schaub won an SNL Student Excellence Award in 2008. Sara looks at the architecture in the Connemara region of western Ireland, considering how the local geology and environment, community planning needs, aesthetics influenced the architecture.

"Finding the Ties that Bind (Seeking Bernice)" by Bernice Grier Johnson won an SNL Student Excellence Award in 2007. In this work, Bernice Grier Johnson explores her own potential as a writer while anaylzing and reflecting upon the work of Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, and Alice Walker.

More Help:

See chapter 4 in the Foundations Book for more on Advanced Elective.

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